1. By using python print some message
3. Variables
3.1 Python Variables
3. 2 Assigning single value to multiplevariables
3. 3 Assigning multiple values to multiple variables
3.4 Rules for the variable name
3.5 Static values and Dynamic values in Python
4. Python Operators
4.3 Bit wise and Shift Operators
4. 6 Assignment Operators
5. Conditional Statements
5.1.1 if
5.1.2 if-else
5.1.3 elif
5.1.4 nested if
5.2 Iterative Statements (Loops)
5.2.1 while
5.2.2 for
5.2.3 nested loops
5. 3 Break
5.4 Continue
6. Python Logical Programs for Interview
Tabledisplaying for given number
6. Check whether the given number is palindrome or not
7. Check whether the given number is Armstrong or not
DisplayArmstrong numbers up to specified number
Swappingof two numbers without third Variable
10. Swappingof two numbers with third Variable
11. Check whether the given number is Perfect number or not
12. Check whether the given number is Prime number or not
13. Check whether the given number is Composite or not
14. Check whether the given number is either Prime or Composite number
15. Listof Prime numbers up to given number
16. Listof Composite numbers up to given number
17. Evennumbers up to given number
18. Oddnumbers up to given number
19. Check whether the given number either even or odd
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